Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Shitty First Draft By Anne Lamott - 893 Words

In ‘’Shitty First Drafts,’’ by Anne Lamott argues that in order to create ‘’ terrific third draft’’ you must first start out with a ‘’shitty first draft’’. She believes that every good writers, should write shitty first drafts, because the writer will produce better second drafts and ‘’terrific third drafts.’’ I completely agree with Lamott, because the first draft will never be flawless, and therefore from the moment I start writing an essay I fairly pour everything out, all of thoughts and ideas into the first draft, which becomes my ‘’shitty first draft’’. In my first English class in college, I was explained it’s beneficial to write a ‘’shitty first draft’’, since the first draft is like an exercise. Thought out this course I continued using Lamott idea of writing a first shitty draft. Thus whenever I created my first draft I only wrote my views and indications and it was always atrocious, although the process I took was precisely helpful in creating final draft, for instances I would gather all the information plus during the teachers conference I would take all of the errors the teacher exposed put into inconsideration. I always wrote a first shitty draft my final draft would be strictly acceptable. Nevertheless it is paramount to create a first shitty draft, because occasionally the mind goes blank and other times the mind is full of the ideas and beliefs, and since it’s the first draft later on add more knowledgeable ideas to the final essay.Show MoreRelated`` Shitty First Drafts `` By Anne Lamott1079 Words   |  5 PagesAnne Lamott’s â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† presents an argument to eliminate the understanding that writers create a masterpiece on their first drafts. The first draft is simply the first attempt that writers create to turn their thoughts into a f inal paper. Lamott tries to convince the â€Å"uninitiated† that everyone writes â€Å"shitty first drafts† and often times, positive outcomes come from those first attempts. One of the biggest obstacle in writing is the fear of creating terrible paper and many writersRead MoreShitty First Drafts By Anne Lamott854 Words   |  4 Pages In the essay â€Å"Shitty First Drafts†, Anne Lamott addresses aspiring writers on the subject of the dreaded first draft. Lamott uses a disarmingly humorous tone to illustrate the value of putting pen to paper and writing shitty first drafts. Lamott goes on to say, â€Å"The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out†¦ knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later† (234). The essay successfully delivers this message by use of its light and conversational toneRead MoreThe Book Shitty First Draft By Anne Lamott902 Words   |  4 Pages The text â€Å"Shitty Fir st Draft† is written by Anne Lamott from the book â€Å"Bird by Bird†, it uses ethos to attract readers by giving examples or personal experience showing that she is very familiar with writing and uses style and substance to keep the readers’ noses tuck in their books. Reading the title readers would expect that this would be a fun read instead of a serious, heavy-content one. This text is mainly for writers and uses a really friendly tone with some jokes along the way. The compositionRead MoreAnalysis Of Anne Lamott s Shitty First Drafts Essay1042 Words   |  5 PagesIn Anne Lamott’s essay, â€Å"Shitty First Drafts,† she explains her writing philosophy of just getting ideas down on paper and then editing them later. While some disagree with this method, such as George Dila in his critical response, â€Å"Rethinking the Shitty First Draft,† many writers employ this technique to not only better their writing, but to overcome obstacles in the writing process. Even the most successful of writers will say that they actually hate writing, Lamott even compares it to pullingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Essay1480 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Shitty First Drafts† by Anne Lamott, is a hilarious must read for junior high school students and any other aspiring writers. Her essay inspires comfort and confidence in writing a first draft. It concretes that all writers experience the â€Å"shitty† first draft. Anne Lamott wrote this instructional information in 1995, but it is timeless information. She blows the idea of writing an immaculate first draft out of the water. Anne supports the idea that bad first drafts will almost always lead to betterRead MoreThe Writing Process, By Anne Lamott, And Write Before Writing By Donald M. Murray1303 Words   |  6 Pagesexamining â€Å"Shitty First Drafts†, by Anne Lamott, and â€Å"Write before Writing†, by Donald M. Murray, each writing process has some good p rospects. Anne Lamott is a little crazy, but passionate writer that can really surprize you. In Anne Lamott s article â€Å"Shitty First Drafts†, she believes that any writer should write a shitty first draft, and that’s how anyone ends up with a better second draft and a â€Å"terrific third draft† .Lamott declares in order to be good, the writer needs to first allow for theRead MoreAnne Lamotts Shitty First Drafts By Nancy Sommers1195 Words   |  5 PagesAfter reading, â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† by Anne Lamott and â€Å" Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers† by Nancy Sommers, I couldn’t agree more with their writing process strategies and statements. Anne Lamott is known to be professional writer who has strong beliefs in not only writing but her process. In Lamott, article â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† she supplies student and professional writers’ opinions and provides her beliefs of the writ ing process.Lamott, breaks down the importanceRead MoreThe Bottom Line By Anne Lamott977 Words   |  4 Pageslike my first drafts to be blind, unconscious, messy efforts; that is what gets me the best material† (Egan). Egan says that when writing, she just lets her words flow regardless of how it may turn out, if it sounds bad, or whether it contains multiple mistakes or grammatical errors. For Egan, getting the work done is all that matters first. Once she gets the first draft done, then she worries about critiques. The same attitude that Egan portrays in her quote is similar to the attitude that Anne LamottRead MoreAn Analysis Of Shitty First Drafts876 Words   |  4 Pagescomponents are the thesis statement, transition sentences, and the structures or tone of the essay. In the essays, â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† by Anne Lamott and â€Å"How Not to Say the Wrong Thing† by Berry Goldman and Susan Silk, the authors describes effective ways to process and analyz e a situation in the most compelling way possible. Regardless of the fact that the essays â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† and â€Å"How Not to Say the Wrong Thing† are based on two completely different subjects, they both breakdown their topicRead MoreShitty First Draft Essay885 Words   |  4 PagesReflective Synthesis Shitty First Draft a novel written by a woman named Anne Lamott is an educational novel that talked about her life experience in writing her novels. In Free Writing Exercises written by Peter Elbow, he explains that everyone limits themselves in writing because they are constantly editing their work. In the Pleasures of Reading written by Rebecca Mead it talks about how people read to impress themselves. When I was younger, I loved to read because the stories kept me entertained

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