Monday, February 24, 2020

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Research Paper Example The moko symbolized several things. It created tribal identity for in individual and showed genealogy. Moreover, the art form showed an individual’s rank and status in society, with those having the mark considered to have a higher social status than those that did not. The moko marked the stage an individual was at in their life. It marked the transition of an individual from childhood to adulthood. In addition, some forms of the mark showed when an individual became eligible for marriage. The moko was a sacred abject highly valued by the Maori people. In recent times, the people in the rest of the world take interest in the moko with some opting to get the mark. However, the use of moko by the non-Maori in many ways alter the meaning and true function of the mark. One thing that stands out about the Maori culture from the moko is that status ranked importantly in society. Individuals interacted based on their status. Those who ranked lowly in the community worked hard to acq uire some form of status. All through, the moko showed an individual’s status depending on the pattern that came with the mark. Several tattoos were unique to the women that were set aside as a result of their high rank in society. A partial facial moko signified a woman of such high rank in society that never married or got children as finding a mate to match her lineage status became impossible. (Simmons 87) Among men, tattoos on the right side of the face were a symbol of paternal lineage and rank; and showed whether this rank was hereditary or acquired. The left side face had markings showing the lineage and status an individual acquired from their side of the mother. Bravery gave an individual status in society. Warriors that performed exemplary well in war got a moko to show to everyone that met them of their bravery. (Durie 305) Such marks earned them respect and admiration from the society, and in turn added to their social status. The social structure of the Maori ga ve the first born sons a higher social status than that of lower born sons. These first born sons were the only one eligible to become leaders and chiefs. A special moko symbolized this status. However, lower born sons got a chance to achieve status by showing acts of bravery and kindness. Therefore, many used warfare as a chance to buy social status and get a tattoo showing they had rank. Leaders in Maori culture used Moko to symbolize their status. The type of moko showed the rank of a chief. The tattoo on a high ranking chief in the society was so unique that people who saw it immediately linked the individual with the mark with chiefdom and immediately accorded them the respect that came with that mark. Maori chiefs included their moko marks as signs on legal documents such as letters and title deeds. Any document bearing such a mark gained political recognition as validated by the chief; therefore asserting it eligibility. The Maori culture shows through the moko that it was hi ghly stratified along gender lines. The moko on men and women had significant differences. In addition, the marks on men bore different meanings than those done on women. Many times, the moko on women revolved around their eligibility to marry, whom to marry and what status they had in society. On the other hand, the moko among men predominantly showed rank, superiority and bravery. Only men had mokos symbolizing political leadership such as the marks of chiefs. However, marks on women

Saturday, February 8, 2020

E-Payment Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-Payment Systems - Essay Example The report has conducted a brief literature review regarding e-payment systems in order to highlight their importance for an e-commerce company. Advantages, disadvantages and implications of three types of e-payment systems as Biometric Payments, Mobile Payments and Person-to-Person (P2P) Payments have been discussed in the report and based on the evaluation; the report has recommended suitable e-payment solution to the client. In the later section, the report has also evaluated security frameworks that can protect the customer account information, transaction information and website database from unauthorized and malicious access. At the end of the report, suitable security recommendation has also been provided to the client, which can not only increase transparency of the e-payment system but also help the client to improve their brand presence through social media marketing. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 E- Commerce and E-Payment Systems 4 Different types E- Payment Systems 6 Biometric Payments 6 Mobile e-Payments 7 Person-to-Person (P2P) Payments 9 Recommendations 11 Website and Database Security 13 Conclusion 15 Introduction Fazlollahi (2002) stated that demand for e-payment and online transaction has been increased manifold with the growth of e-commerce. ... archer will propose e-payment system for Book Bunker that can not only help the client to ease the payment process but also increase their online presence. In the next section, the researcher will describe the theoretical model of e-payment system in order to prepare the background of the proposed recommendations. Three different e-payment systems will be proposed for Book Bunker and security suggestion will also be provided at the end of the report. E- Commerce and E-Payment Systems According to Khosrow-Pour (2008), e-commerce sites help users to buy and sell products and merchandises through online platform and internet communication. When product purchase and sell is being done online then it would be unfeasible to connect manual cash payment with the virtual system due to three reasons, 1- lack of synchronization between manual and online system, 2- lack of symmetry in the information processing and 3- synchronization might decrease the speed of processing (Khosrow-Pour, 2008). H ence, it can be said that absence of e-payment system might create problem for users of the system to pay cash in the virtual environment of e-commerce. Heng (2004) reported that before the arrival of e-payment system, e-commerce companies introduced various e-cash systems such as â€Å"Millicent†, â€Å"Digicash†, and â€Å"PayBox† etc as the predecessor of e-payment system but this earlier version of e-payment systems failed to provide the security and efficiency of transactions. Due to such inefficiency of previous e-payment system, customers shifted to online transaction via credit/debit cards payment or cash payment. According to Abrazhevich (2004), consumers also check for the security settings in the e-payment system and often stop using the e-payment system if the service vendor has